Design and Technology Statement:
Articulate - Our DT curriculum is ambitious and gives our pupils opportunities for both independence and resilience. Through a rigorous design process, children experience the various disciplines of DT including mechanisms, textiles, food and hygiene, structures and electrical systems.
Passionate - Our children have opportunities to make links to other disciplines of learning, such as science and art, through our technology curriculum which empowers them to take ownership of the designing and making process. Through our immersive and memorable experiences, they become committed and passionate designers working towards a purposeful and authentic outcome.
Persuasive - Through an emphasis on evaluation and purpose, children can explain their decision process within the context of Design and Technology. The emphasis we place on evaluation, and its importance to the design process helps us to strive for excellence.
Positively influence the world around us - Our curriculum has a foundation of authentic contexts, where children experience purposeful problem solving. They are encouraged to make innovative design decisions, leading to functional products.