Music at Nine Acres Primary SchoolIntent Statement
Music at Nine Acres engages, inspires and challenges pupils giving them the opportunity to sing, play, compose, perform and listen to music in a wide range of genres and styles relevant to our locality. A broad and balanced curriculum music is planned to ensure that children of all abilities are able to progress both in their instrumental playing skills and overall knowledge. Music across the school allows all children to access and experience live music, events, performances and activities linked to our school community and holistic outcomes.
In EYFS, pupils are encouraged to confidently express themselves to music, using a range of instruments and their voices. Singing and listening to music and rhyme is an essential part of EYFS curriculum which also supports literacy and numeracy.
Key Stage 1
Pupils explore the elements of music including; rhythm, melody, pitch, dynamics, texture & timbre using their voices, body percussion, handheld percussion and glockenspiels. Music is linked to the wider curriculum each half term.
Key Stage 2
Through singing, listening, improvising, composing and playing pupil’s will continue to study a broad and balanced music curriculum through a variety of styles and genres. Pupil’s build upon their initial Key Stage 1 instrumental skills with increasing confidence and control and the addition of ukuleles, guitars and music technology.
Whole School
Music is a tool for the whole school to celebrate throughout the year via school productions, nativity performances and assemblies. We have recently developed pathways for supported instrumental lessons within the year.