We are an OFFICIALLY GRADED OUTSTANDING IN ALL AREAS 2024 Primary School! OPEN DAY ANY DAY! Exclusive EYFS 2025 tours open from 1st October call us on 01983 522984 or email office@nineacrespri.co.uk. Nine Acres Primary is the school of choice! #strivingforexcellence

Meet our Staffing Team

Teaching and Learning for 2023/24
To create outstanding teaching teams who work across the year group in a precise and targeted way, meeting the individual needs of every child in the year group.
To reach outstanding outcomes and levels of progress for every child in so securing positive life chances for every child no matter their background or barriers
To implement a tailored and inspiring curriculum that matches the needs of the children through using staffing expertise.
To provide the opportunity for all staff to lead, develop and learn from each other in their teaching approach to match individual children needs.
To support staff workload and work-life balance.
Creating a workforce culture who inspire each other, support one another, take responsibility beyond their classroom and in turn provide an outstanding school environment in which children and staff thrive